Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

Alzheimer’s and
Dementia Care

We believe the right care approach can help anyone maintain a high quality of life even in the face of memory loss.

What is dementia and dementia care?

Alzheimer’s disease causes a decline in memory, thinking, learning and organising skills over time. It’s the most common cause of dementia and usually affects people over the age of 65. There’s no cure for Alzheimer’s, but certain medications and therapies can help manage symptoms temporarily.

What is the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia?

Dementia is a term used for several diseases that affect a person’s memory, cognitive ability, and ability to perform daily activities. Alzheimer’s disease is one of these and is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for at least two-thirds of dementia cases in people 65 and older.

Early signs and symptoms of dementia include short-term memory struggles such as forgetting things or misplacing items, getting lost or being confused in familiar places, difficulty in solving problems or decision-making, trouble following conversations or finding words, and difficulty in performing familiar daily tasks. As a person progresses through to middle- and late-stage Alzheimer’s, which can take place over several years, dementia symptoms become more pronounced, and they may also experience changes in personality, mood, or behaviour. In the later stages, an individual with Alzheimer’s may require around-the-clock assistance and care.

Can you take care of a dementia patient at home?

Early on in Alzheimer’s and related dementias, people experience changes in thinking, remembering, and reasoning in a way that affects daily life and activities. Eventually, people with these diseases will need more help with simple, everyday tasks. This may include bathing, grooming, and dressing. It may be upsetting to the person to need help with such personal activities. Here are a few tips to consider early on and as the disease progresses:

Contact our friendly team to organise a free consultation