Welfare Checks

Welfare Checks

Welfare Checks

Many times, you hope that everything is going well with your participant. Are the care Plans being followed? Are the medications being administered as ordered? Are there care plans in place? Is the participant receiving the care they should be?

Sunbird Home Care now offers Welfare Checks.

Our Registered Nurse and Social Worker attend the participant’s residence and reviews their general welfare and clinical supports. A report is submitted which can be used to address plan funding or supplement a Progress Report.

Each profession is for a two hour consult including the reports.

Registered Nurse

01_606_0114_1_1 Delivery of Health Supports by a Registered Nurse
– Weekday Daytime Hour – $115.21


15_406_0114_1_3 Delivery of Health Supports by a Registered Nurse
– Weekday Daytime Hour – $115.21

Social Worker

15_406_0114_1_3 Delivery of Health Supports by a Registered Nurse
– Weekday Daytime Hour – $115.21

Contact our friendly team to organise a free consultation