Sunbird Home Care was built on the principles of the North Qld Native Sunbird. Doune, like many North Queenslanders, hung a string on her veranda so sunbirds could build their nest and lay eggs. Doune kept an eye on the building of the nest by both the mother and father sunbird. They built it with care, compassion, and attention to detail. Sunbird Home Care is built on those same principles.
One of the delights of a lush garden in tropical Queensland, apart from the colourful butterflies, is the sight of an olive-backed sunbird flitting about among the flowers, probing them with its gracefully curved bill, often while hovering. Equally enchanting is stumbling across its strange, suspended nest, hanging from a twig or part of a building by a long, thin cord of grass and fibres.
The olive-backed sunbird is a small honeyeater-like bird with a distinctive downward-curving bill. On the male, the head is yellowish-olive with a yellow supercilium and a yellow moustachial stripe. The upper parts are also yellowish-olive except for the tail, which is black with a white tip. An iridescent dark-bluish or dark-violet gorget (a patch of colour on the throat) extends from the chin to the upper breast; the rest of the underbody is bright yellow. The upper wing is dark brown, and the underwing is yellowish-white with brownish-grey flight feathers. The bill is black and the feet dark grey. The female appears similar but a little paler, lacking the iridescent gorget, and wholly yellow underneath. This stunning bird serves as our inspiration and our logo!
The sunbird’s call is a short, ascending high-pitched buzz prse-prs-prs-prs-prs-ps-ps-ps-s-s lasting less than 1 second. It is similar to the short, rattling song of fairy-wrens. It can be described as a squeaky chatter like the rapid rubbing of polystyrene on glass. This sound is common during chases and territorial disputes. The sunbird is also known to make a short squeaking chip.
At Sunbird Home Care, we aim to emulate the way the olive-backed sunbird lives its life and cares for its young. It creates a strong, safe environment encasing its eggs, and protects and serves its family in this way. Similarly, we embody the wings of the sunbird, with open wings (or arms) wrapping around individuals and families in a caring, protective embrace. We are there to care.
The olive-backed sunbird is a small honeyeater-like bird with a distinctive downward-curving bill. On the male, the head is yellowish-olive with a yellow supercilium and a yellow moustachial stripe. The upper parts are also yellowish-olive except for the tail, which is black with a white tip. An iridescent dark-bluish or dark-violet gorget (a patch of colour on the throat) extends from the chin to the upper breast; the rest of the underbody is bright yellow. The upper wing is dark brown, and the underwing is yellowish-white with brownish-grey flight feathers. The bill is black and the feet dark grey. The female appears similar but a little paler, lacking the iridescent gorget, and wholly yellow underneath. This stunning bird serves as our inspiration and our logo!
The sunbird’s call is a short, ascending high-pitched buzz prse-prs-prs-prs-prs-ps-ps-ps-s-s lasting less than 1 second. It is similar to the short, rattling song of fairy-wrens. It can be described as a squeaky chatter like the rapid rubbing of polystyrene on glass. This sound is common during chases and territorial disputes. The sunbird is also known to make a short squeaking chip.
At Sunbird Home Care, we aim to emulate the way the olive-backed sunbird lives its life and cares for its young. It creates a strong, safe environment encasing its eggs, and protects and serves its family in this way. Similarly, we embody the wings of the sunbird, with open wings (or arms) wrapping around individuals and families in a caring, protective embrace. We are there to care.
Personalised in-home care can help people in their place of living with safety, dignity, and independence.
We provide our person-centred home care no matter where “home” is. From the family home to senior communities to rehab facilities and beyond, we can bring the care ageing loved ones need to wherever they call home.
ABN: 31 625 854 159
© 2024 Sunbird Homecare | Developed by Adllins Media
© 2024 Sunbird Homecare | Developed by Adllins Media